Monthly Miscellany

The carnivals roll on: Nathanael Robinson hosted the last AHC, and did a very nice job. The next edition will be hosted by our very own Owen Miller in a week or so: get your nominations in soon! And we’re looking for more AHC hosts: we’ve got open spots from December on.

After a return engagement by founding host John McKay, the Carnival of Bad History is moving to England, where Natalie Bennett will be collecting historical turkeys for the pre-Thanksgiving edition.

As always, your best source for good history is the History Carnival, hosted this time at longtime contributor (especially to the Bad History carnival) Sergey Romanov. In two weeks, another edition: submit here. And the latest Early Modern edition of Carnivalesque features a tabloid cover and lots of great stuff. I believe they’re still looking for volunteers for hosts.

Almost forgot: The Cliopatria Award Nominations are open through November: Best Blogs (individual, group, new), Best Post (individual and series) and Best Writing. Pick your favorites and add ’em to the list!

And Now, the News

Charles Burress on Ehren Watada, discusses different Japanese American reactions to the case: the divisions are historical, rooted in the different experiences of Hawai’i-Japanese (high levels of volunteerism; minimal internment) and mainland Japanese-Americans (intense internment disruptions; significant resistance to draft). This could use some more clarification, but it’s a good start.

Fellow Frogger David McNeill tackles Clint Eastwood’s Flags of our Fathers from the perspective of the Japanese side of the Iwo Jima experience. He also got interviewed about the recent birth of an Imperial Male, which sounds an awful lot like other Japanese news “interviews” I’ve heard about, at least with regard to the imperial institution.

The online Oliver Statler collection is up at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa library site. All kinds of miscellanous materials, from professional correspondence to research notes.

I knew about the traditional age-counting issue in Japan, but I didn’t know about the preganancy timing issue

Adamu has been working through the Japanese Diet’s web presence…. I’m not sure the US Congress could stand up to such scrutiny any better, but I’d love to see someone else do the work to find out.

Finally, because this is a Frog website, I have to share one of my son’s favorite sites, National Aquarium’s Frog Chorus. It’s like the blogging soundtrack we never had….

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