
早报有好奇怪的文件关于中国得婚姻制度。 作者 叶鹏飞谈到中国的离婚率上升。在一部分时一个建立在史学研究基础上的观点。 他说道国外婚姻制度的改变,特别斯泰芬尼·库茨(Stephanie Coontz) 的书。对我来说这是很有意思,因为在美国的报纸如果有一事可以说有”永恒精神“就是我们的婚姻制度。

但是,他也说道中国文化的最基本的特色。一个 是余英时的“一生为故国招魂”,和“回家过年”的文化精神。


有一部分”日本人論 “的味道。在国外他可以分析历史变成,但在国内(或者文化内)他要识别中华的永恒精神。最有意思是他的文化特点是回家过年。美国的文化是一样。以前我们没有火鸡节,但是在二十世纪我们越来越多“在冰天雪地中艰难跋涉,坚持回家 ”. 是非常现代的文化传统


  1. Thanks for posting this! It is tiring sometimes to see, time after time, and in country after country, assumptions of cultural uniqueness. Any attempt to suggest otherwise is dismissed as an outsider’s reductionism. The nostalgia that lies behind the fear of ending up with 无家可归’ mixes both the feeling of a collapse in family values and, though it is not mentioned here, the disintegration of ties to places of origins. Especially in Korean and Japanese versions of this, the fear of cultural decay from urbanization mixes with the fears that go with the higher divorce rates that that have accompanied the rise of women’s independence worldwide.

  2. I wonder sometimes if social science hasn’t been a deeply mixed blessing. The ability to measure change has enhanced, sometimes produced, immense anxiety over the causes, nature, desirability and “solution” to change.

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