Hong Kong Education in Chinese Schools 1929
Today I was browsing through US national archives microfilm reels containing state department records related to British Asia, 1910-29.1 There is always fun and...
Today I was browsing through US national archives microfilm reels containing state department records related to British Asia, 1910-29.1 There is always fun and...
Via Facebook, (somehow) I found this Chinese parents sleep in “tents of love” outside their college kids’ dorms to make the goodbyes easier Th...
Update-The wild goose is getting closer to the tree Apparently we are experiencing a Chinese Philosophy Fever. The Atlantic has an article up on Michael Puett&#...
Tea Leaf Nation has a post up on a micro-trend of Chinese kids not going to college, or at least one parent not being willing to pay for it, on the grounds that...
Here is something from Edward V. Gulick Teaching in Wartime China: A Photo-Memoir, 1937-1939. 1 When Gulick came to China he was a young, idealistic part of the...
From Washington Monthly using the Chinese exam system as an analogy for the S.A.T., referring to an essay from n+1. The anecdote that began the n + 1 piece disc...
Welcome to the 106th Roundup of History Blogging, a double-sized edition. Fortunately, being a blog, we never really run out of space. First, the two biggest ev...
I heard a few China papers at ASPAC and, though they weren’t all on one panel, they might well have been, because they all dealt with the rural response t...
WARNING: those of you interested in Japanese studies but not in internet technologies, new media, and the whole question of how digital learning does or doesn&#...
Reading through 中华民国文化史 (Cultural History of the Chinese Republic)1 I found something interesting in the section on 国术. 国术 is a term for what today would be cal...
Here are a few cool tools for those of you (like my students) who are learning Chinese. Beijing sounds is a cool blog about how Chinese is spoken in Beijing, wi...
I participated in a symposium on February 1st hosted by the USC-Huntington Early Modern Institute, on the topic of early modern periodization in East Asia. It w...
Tomorrow I get to teach Confucius to my Rice Paddies class. This used to be a fairly easy thing to do, until the unspeakably annoying E. Bruce and A. Taeko Broo...
For years private girls academy Fukuoka Jogakuin in Kyushu has been credited with first introducing in 1921 the famous sailor-style uniform worn by so many midd...