Popular Gusts on the turn-of-the-century Japanese spin operation
Matt of the blog ‘Gusts of Popular Feeling‘ has produced two excellent posts in a row on apologist views of Japan’s colonisation of Korea. The...
Matt of the blog ‘Gusts of Popular Feeling‘ has produced two excellent posts in a row on apologist views of Japan’s colonisation of Korea. The...
A Korean stone memorial commemorating victories over Hideyoshi’s armies has been returned [via] After decades of negotiations, the Bukgwan Victory Monument was ...
Continuing on the subject of the new, controversial history book 해방 전후사의 재인식 (‘A new understanding of Korea’s liberation’), I wanted to link to this rather help...
Another couple of history-related articles from the English-language Korean media that were brought to my attention on the mailing list of the British Associati...
It’s time to get my industrial strength can opener out and open the can of worms labeled ‘Japan’s colonial domination of Korea and modern inte...
I wonder whether anyone else has seen this article from the Christian Science Monitor, which I picked up via the Marmot’s Hole and Far Outliers. It concer...
What did visitors to late Chosŏn and colonial Korea have to say about the people and society they found there? When seen through the lens of imperialism and all...