Category: War
More Former Japanese Soldiers
There has been some news in the last two days about the possibility that two more Japanese soldiers left behind in the Philippines being “discovered”...
Nationalistic Internationalism
Prehistory: You could almost write Japan’s entire modern history as the drive for respect from the rest of the world. Starting with the unequal treaties o...
Resource: Kamikaze Images
Wesleyan’s William Johnston forwarded this to H-Japan: a web archive of Kamikaze images. It looks like a very rich, and responsibly constructed, collectio...
China’s use of Japanese history
Young Chinese aren’t well educated in history, and there’s little evidence of much interest. They know what the state wants them to know (“pos...
Breaking News: WWII won’t go away
OK, that’s not all that surprising at this point. But I was a bit taken aback when three articles all about separate aspects of WWII in Japan showed up in...
Faith and Foreign Policy
There is lots of talk about the importance of faith and the use of religious or crusader vocabulary in the US president’s justification of his foreign pol...
Iris Chang’s Death
Iris Chang is dead, apparently by her own hand as a result of depression. Her work on the Nanjing Massacre brought her fame and attention, of all kinds. She was...
Why did the Mongols Attack Hakata Bay Twice?
I’ve been doing Japanese history for fifteen years, now, and Chinese history for a decade, and I’ve never figured out why the Mongols, after their f...