Category: US-Korea
The Sideshow in Korea?
Yet the costly Iraq war must also be recognised as a sideshow in the Bush global counteroffensive against Islamist militancy, just as the far more costly Korean...
Korea: Better than Vietnam, anyway
Thomas C. Reeves, perhaps my least favorite HNN blogger, is arguing that the success of South Korea justifies our Middle East policies, especially Iraq. The com...
Disparity Studies
In my discussion of the job market I said “I only saw two Korea positions, which seems about par for previous years: at some point, though, Korea position...
Analogy Alert: Iraq/Korea
this via: White House spokesman Tony Snow said Bush would like to see a U.S. role in Iraq ultimately similar to that in South Korea. “The Korean model is ...
Asian History News Dump, March 2007
This is a “dump”: all the Asia related stuff I’ve saved over the last…. two months? Anyway, nobody else has blogged about it, so I thoug...
AHC Call for Posts, plus
Roy Berman, the MutantFrog himself, will host the next Asian History Carnival at Mutant Frog Travelogue on the 18th. Get your nominations in to him directly (ro...
Finding historical riches
A few items from the news, blogs, etc. The Reverend Corwin & Nellie Taylor Collection at the Korean Heritage Library, part of the USC digital image collect...
Prof. Yi Hŏnch’ang (이헌창) and his “Outline of Korean Economic History”
A couple of days ago, I had the happy opportunity to meet Prof. Yi Hŏnch’ang (이헌창, 고려대), one of Korea’s leading economical historians. The meeting t...
Manifesto from the Suyu Research Institute on the S.Korea-USA FTA plans – The Twilight of Empire?
Dear colleagues, Below I put the English text of the manifesto penned by two of the most promising post-nationalist scholars I know in South Korea, namely Dr. K...
4.19 and 5.18: spot the difference
In lieu of actually providing some original content myself (soon…), can I point our patient readers once again toward the excellent blog Gusts of Popular ...
Supply Drops for Prisoners of War
The Japanese emperor’s famous surrender announcement came at noon on August 15th, 1945. However, for Korea (and Manchuria) the date is of limited use, des...
Don’t Take it Literally
I think I’ll continue making posts here and there based on a collection of US military documents from early postwar occupied Korea that I discuss in my la...
A Most Unusual Invasion
Preparations for my oral exams this spring has prevented me from contributing much recently but I have started to take an hour away from my orals reading every ...
Early Western Perceptions of Koreans: Part I – Introduction
What did visitors to late Chosŏn and colonial Korea have to say about the people and society they found there? When seen through the lens of imperialism and all...