History Carnival #75: Semisesquicentennial! Terquasquigenary! Septuagesiquintennial!
Note: The History Carnival is still looking for a May 1st host, as well as hosts for the summer and beyond. Contact Sharon Howard (sharon$@$earlymodernweb$.$org...
Note: The History Carnival is still looking for a May 1st host, as well as hosts for the summer and beyond. Contact Sharon Howard (sharon$@$earlymodernweb$.$org...
Alan Baumler pointed me to peacay’s recent post of Dutch images of 17th century Japan. Some of them are quite accurate — the images of samurai, in p...
The December History Carnival is up, and it includes a few Korea bits. Also lots of other neat stuff.
Two deadlines are fast approaching: nominations for Cliopatria Awards for best blogging, 2008 (covering from December 2007 through November 2008) close Sunday a...
While I’m sure there are a lot of similar resources that deserve equal mention, I wanted to post a link while it is fresh on my mind. There are a great co...
I reported in my recent posting on the Korean National Archives that online registration for the site is broken for all non-Koreans. This is unfortunate since t...
I just came back from a day at the Korean National Archives headquarters in Taejŏn (Daejeon) and thought I would share some details of the experience in case so...
Thanks to a posting at The Marmot’s Hole I learned about a project being undertaken by the National Archives to display a variety of information, archival...
Japanese historical visual materials are becoming available online in increasing quantities and variety, as seen in two posts from the last week from Pink Tenta...
A recent exchange on H-Asia mentioned the Asian Studies Toolbar, which I first read about in March of last year when the maker, John Noyce (“a librarian t...
Some of you may know about this tool already, but I just discovered Matthias Schemm’s wonderful NengoCalc, an online or offline converter of Japanese and ...
I recently came across the Ancient Japan weblog. Looking through its archives, I see that it has been offering up interesting postings for over a year now and j...
I was just catching up on my reading of H-Japan postings, when I came across an announcement that I thought might be worth sharing with those who don’t su...
This is a “dump”: all the Asia related stuff I’ve saved over the last…. two months? Anyway, nobody else has blogged about it, so I thoug...
I am happy to announce the completion of a project that I have been working on in my spare time for about a month now: the digitization of the Sino-Japanese Stu...