One of my general exam advisor/examiners has passed away: Donald Fleming who was Harvard’s preeminent intellectual historian for many years. I studied Eur...
One of my general exam advisor/examiners has passed away: Donald Fleming who was Harvard’s preeminent intellectual historian for many years. I studied Eur...
John McKay, at Archy, is publishing excerpts from his work on the natural history and historiography of wooly mammoths. The latest installment is about China, p...
I remember the shocked look on my students’ faces fifteen years ago when I told them that we actually had no idea how decisions were made or leaders picke...
Alan Baumler pointed me to peacay’s recent post of Dutch images of 17th century Japan. Some of them are quite accurate — the images of samurai, in p...
Military historian David Silbey is going to be blogging through the Boxer Uprising as seen through the New York Times. Though this is a little more of a distant...
In a review of Thomas C. Reed, and Danny B. Stillman‘s new book, The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and its Proliferation, William Broad...
“In retrospect, historians are usually right.” — Der Spiegel interviewer (11-11-08). This has been a lively month for history blogging, for so...
The December History Carnival is up, and it includes a few Korea bits. Also lots of other neat stuff.
The December History Carnival is up, and it includes a few China bits. Even a few from elsewhere! Also lots of other neat stuff.
Two deadlines are fast approaching: nominations for Cliopatria Awards for best blogging, 2008 (covering from December 2007 through November 2008) close Sunday a...
I’m teaching my Japan Since 1700 course next semester for the first time. I’ve taught Japan since 1800 and 1868; I’ve taught Japan 1600-1900 a...
The New York Times is reporting on tensions between the Dojinkai and the civilians living in the neighborhood of their headquarters. Two features of this are wo...
I always get a little nervous when a world history textbook cites details about Japanese history which I’ve never heard of before. I’m still mostly ...
I was reading a discussion of progressive economics at Progressive Historians and was stopped dead in my tracks by a quote from Henry George There is a delusion...
I’ve been enjoying the textbook I’m using for World History this fall: Felipe Fernandez-Armesto’s The World: A History. It covers the entire w...