Sun Yat-sen: If only a Revolution -were- like a dinner party
Livebloging 1911 Someone once said “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined...
Livebloging 1911 Someone once said “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined...
Live-blogging 1911 Live-blogging is (for historians) the process of blogging about something in the past as if it was happening in the present. Since this is th...
Apparently Google is just like the British East India Company. Or so at least the toadies of the CCP would have you believe. According to People’s Daily,...
February third is the Lunar New Year, celebrated in East Asia as the New Year or Spring Festival. The Reuters article “Chinese Ready for Upheaval, Sex in ...
It’s been a while since I did some syllabus blogging, but the most interesting course I was going to teach last semester didn’t come through,1 so it...
Quite by coincidence, I ended up reading three books on Chinese monuments, but not until the third did I realize that what I was reading was a history of modern...
Via Jeremiah Jenne, a link to an Economist article on the legacy of the Boxers. It is without a doubt the best article on Chinese history I have ever seen in a ...
One of our graduate assistants came in recently with an old newspaper that her husband had found on a deconstruction job. Considering that it was, apparently, s...
While the discussions on the Asia lists have been a bit wooden for a while, other H-Net communities are lively and thriving, and the book reviews are a fantasti...
While the discussions on the Asia lists have been a bit wooden for a while, other H-Net communities are lively and thriving, and the book reviews are a fantasti...
Lots of people have already commented on the Chinese professor video, which is getting a lot of play in the US. If you have not seen it, it is set in the year ...
I’m currently TAing for a class on Modern Korean history, and we just finished discussing the concept of minjok (民族 or minzu in Chinese) as it related to ...
For those who would like to read about new research in Chinese history without having to drudge through proquest, please check out a new website, Chinese Histor...
Proper prayer technique China in Africa China Cliches Victor Mair has a great post at Language log on the question of “Is Q a Chinese character” Or...